Known limitations

Jan 30 2024

In this post, we list out mathematical expressions that we have encountered that Mathlify cannot handle. Of those, some will be planned features to come in a future update, while others are not on the current road map

Planned features

  • The Sqrt class as a Fn
  • The Exponent class
  • Decimals as Float within the Numeral class

Not on roadmap

  • Division signs (we plan to only handle fractions and quotients)
  • General radicals (we plan to only implement Sqrts)
  • Mixed product signs. We currently default to typesetting products as ab, but this can be modified to a ${sign} b where sign can be customized (we forsee and × as the common use-cases). Mixing two or more signs are not planned.
  • Using a custom multiplication sign means differences will no longer be rendered correctly: hence ab will be rendered as a1×b.
  • For multiplication of fractions, a typical approach is to cancel common factors before multiplying. We plan to only multiply all numerators and denominators first before applying cancellation


  • Prime factorization


  • 23 is currently typeset as 23. We will use the Quotient class to typeset the former.